Welcome to 11 things

This blog is for my 11 things class. I will be documenting my learning as I go along this summer! I am hoping to get it all done while the family is out and about!

I am hoping to blog next school year with my students!

This is my second blog, the first is mylifeshouldbeonrealitytv.blogspot.com. It is about my family and the quirky things that happen to us! And really there are always funny things happening here!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thing # 2 Life Long Learner

I think I am a life long learner. I like to go to trainings and tend to stretch myself where I can. I think the easiest for me of the 7 1/2 habits is using technology. I think that I have a pretty good grasp of some techie things. I have my own blog already in addition to this one. I don't shy away from something new and innovative and would like to bring more of that into my classroom. The hardest thing for me would be beginning with the end in mind. I seem to jump into thing without thinking where I would like to end up. This is probably why I have tons of unfinished things going on! That is one thing I will be focusing on this summer.


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