Welcome to 11 things

This blog is for my 11 things class. I will be documenting my learning as I go along this summer! I am hoping to get it all done while the family is out and about!

I am hoping to blog next school year with my students!

This is my second blog, the first is mylifeshouldbeonrealitytv.blogspot.com. It is about my family and the quirky things that happen to us! And really there are always funny things happening here!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thing #7 Google tools

This thing is about google tools. I really like the all but some of them ex. calendar I already have with my iPhone so I didn't really need this one. I like the Google documents and the google notebook

Google documents is a document tool that lets people collaborate on a project without having to use the server. I LOVE this! I think that would be super convenient for students in my class to be about to work together on a project (power point) without having to log on to each other's server account OR saving it to the desktop and having to get on the same computer.

Google notebook is GREAT it is depressing that Google is not supporting it anymore and so new users can't sign on and start using it!

Google calendar is a good way to make a group calendar that people can log on to an see from anywhere. I think this would be good for lesson planning and to use with your team for events. My team is departmentalized so it might be good to put all the testing and important dates in one place so that we can see if we schedule for example 2 tests on the same day.

I like it!

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